Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Christian Life?

And all those who had believed were together and had all things in common; and they began selling their property and possessions and were sharing them with all, as anyone might have need.

Acts 2:44-45
Why is it that in America Socialism seems to be a blacklisted word? I'm not talking about government owning everything. I'm talking we each have what we have and freely give it to one another. I wonder if sometimes we don't give to one another because we don't think that person/group deserves it. Or do we worry that if we give freely that we'll be taken advantage of? We were talking in our small group tonight about this passage of Scripture and just reflecting on the fact that it's so rare to see true community anymore. I wonder if it's because we are so caught up on our own importance that we fail to see the needs of our brothers and sisters surrounding us. What if we were to look at each other from the perspective that we are all undeserving anyway? Could we not then freely give to one another without a single thought of what we can get out of it or if they will ever repay us? What if we were to give without reservation to one another? How much would the love of Christ be displayed in our day to day lives?

I wish that our lives were not so dependent on financial ties and that we could be free to just live our lives in love and freedom. That we could experience the wonder of who God is on a daily basis without having to live with the stresses of this world. Chad spoke this morning about whether or not we were ready for Christ to come. I have many things that I would like to do (be the father I never had, climb a mountain, love again) but my heart still yearns to be with God for eternity with no other purpose than to live in His glory and worship the One. I wonder what is keeping each of us from being ready? If Christ were to come tonight, would your heart be filled with joy or sadness?

I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 3:16

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I find that people are affraid. A majority of people walk around day to day posing confidence like a car on display. We lack reality! We aren't real with ourselves and we especially aren't real with eachother. "It begins with one, and it ends with one, and it's always you." Like you said, we are so caught up in ourselves that we fail to see the beauty of the lives of those closest to us. Anyone who has broken free from the chains of self sees the amazing abilities that come alive within them simply through the power of love. But we can't love others if our focus is on ourselves. Christians WILL NOT experience true freedom if they do not start being real with eachother. Many will agree with me, but more often than not, they will wait for someone else to make the first move and THAT is the heart of our problem. Life has taught us that a man without walls is open to trouble and, that trouble is something to be avoided. That is where we miss authenticity! We have to accept that life and the people in it (yes you too)are imperfect and just as we need the "despite me" kind of love, so do they. It will take great men like you to make the first step in loving those who's wall is covered in "DO NOT ENTER" signs. Men like you are the heros.
Love and Respect