"For I know the plans that I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you. To give you a hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
"For we know that in all things, God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28
These are both Scriptures that people often use to comfort one another during times of grief. It's often followed by the whole cheer up, God is on your side kind of thing. But you know, sometimes life can really suck! And that's completely OK!! That whole quote that 'God will never put more on us than we can bear' is found no where in Scripture. If He never put more on us than we can bear alone, why do we need Him? I think the major problem with a lot of 'Christians' is that they get happiness and joy confused. No where in Scripture does God say that He is here to make us happy, but that He will provide a never ending joy within our hearts. You can be at your lowest point in life and still have joy. Happiness is circumstantial and as I'm sure most people can attest, life's circumstances aren't always a walk in the park...but that doesn't mean we can't experience joy. Look at Christ in the Garden...he didn't want to die on that cross but he knew his Father's will was for the best so he faced it.
I've never met my real father and the step dad I knew for most of live was severely abusive. From the time I was five years old, I had to raise my brother and sister and be strong for them. That is something no five year old should have to endure. My stepdad didn't like me very much because I stood up to his drug addiction and alcoholism. One of my most vivid memories is him beating me in his mom's kitchen, kicking me across the floor, while my mom stood in the corner laughing. It was his mom that pulled him off of me. Then there was the constant ridicule from people at school because all I wore were sweat pants or jeans with long sleeve shirts because I didn't want anyone to find the bruises. Or the brain surgery when I was a sophomore in high school. Now I'm sitting here and writing this, alone again except with the knowledge that God has a plan. But that doesn't make it any easier to bear emotionally. I just thank God that He has given me the opportunity to begin surrounding myself with men that will speak into my life...helping me to understand who I am supposed to be as a man. Something I've never had...thank you to all those who have made yourselves available.
7 Quick but Powerful Reminders for Pastors
8 months ago